We see that the schools can work on both organizing as well as directing activities at the school. We see that they consist of the stakeholders of the school environment as well as students, teachers, custodians, facilities managers, parents as well as school board members. We see that whatever the type of school or age group, student involvement in the committee is essential as well. We see that this group can be charged with coordinating many of the greening activities, as well as making recommendations to relevant school decision-makers, as well as facilitating communication among and actions by the whole school community as well. We know that each school produces its vision statement, as well as setting out what the students and/or school community are striving to achieve as well. We see that their vision is in various places within the school as well as is recognized by the students and other school community members as a statement of beliefs as well as intents. We know that this statement is often in the words of students, as well as can be an inspiring classroom, art, or school-wide assembly project as well. The school information management system therefore can be of great help in such a case. We see that they can use the results of their environmental survey or audit to identify priorities of the key areas where they want to make a change and create an action plan as well. We know that it is important to set realistic as well as achievable targets to improve environmental performance at the school so kids and adults can take pride in tangible accomplishments in the short term at the same time. And we know that it is important to set long-term, inspiring as well as challenging targets to move beyond the status quo as well as foster greater environmental improvements at the same time. We see that the action plan could involve as well as promote, for example, a school recycling program as well as eco-friendly, non-toxic cleaning materials as well as carpooling. It can also be about energy conservation like turning off lights, computer monitors as well as printers too. We know that the greening activities can be integrated into existing curricula in science, as well as art, humanities, math, language arts, or electives at the same time. When they are using the school as a hands-on laboratory that offers opportunities for real-world problem-solving then it can be of great use as well. We know that students can undertake a study of themes such as energy, as well as water, forests, toxic pollution, as well as waste. We know that the whole school should be involved in practical initiatives – for instance, saving water, recycling materials as well as saving energy. The outdoor education, too and time spent in nature locally – whether it is the schoolyard, maybe a park, or a field trip – is a critical component of a hands-on, place-based, experiential education at the same time. We see that the school might consider partnering with external organizations from the community to benefit from their experience as well as expertise at the same time. We know that in some schools, environmental consultants have offered to take part in the environmental review process as well. We are aware that there are many local government agencies as well as utilities that offer free advice on energy, recycling, as well as hazardous waste management at the same time too. The fee management software can be put to use in such a case as well. We know that some schools get involved with clean-up or habitat restoration at nearby parks as well as share their experiences in other ways. We find that communication, as well as a publicity program, keeps the school and the community informed of progress through classroom displays, as well as school assemblies, newsletters, or other press coverage too. They can also make sure to reuse old water bottles or purchase water bottles that they can refill instead of tossing out a new bottle every time they need to quench their thirst. All of these can make sure that the students are aware of the needs that are there.
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