Best Education Loan To Study Abroad
Education loan is given to those students who are willing to study but are lacking in financial aid. Study loans for abroad not just cover your tuition fees, but also other expenses like traveling and hostel fees.
Factors need to consider while choosing for education loan to study abroad:-
- Interest rate
- Loan Amount
- Processing fee and time
- Loan duration
- Expenses covered
- Margin money
- Moratorium period
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Types of educational loan:-
Based on the location:
Domestic Education Loan-
Students who want to pursue education in India can apply for this loan type. The loan will get approved only if the applicant gets admission to an Indian educational institution and meets all other lender requirements.
Abroad Education Loan-
Such loans help students to fulfill their dream of pursuing the course they wanted to do in a foreign institution. The loan covers expenses like airfare, accommodation, and tuition fee for students.
Based on collateral
• loan against property, deposits, and securities-
Students can pledge immovable assets, like agricultural land, residential land, flats, houses, and others, fixed deposit certificates, recurring deposits, gold deposits, bonds, debentures, and equity shares to finance their education.
• Third-party guarantee-
A guarantee letter from an employee of the bank can help the student to get an education loan easily.
Based on course:-
•Undergraduate loans:
This type of education loan is provided for students to give financial help to students so they can complete their undergraduate degrees. An undergraduate degree will usually take time of 3 to 4-years under various specializations. Having an undergraduate degree helps individuals to get a decent job and start earning money.
•Postgraduate loans:-
Many undergraduate students would like to continue their education with a postgraduate course, usually a 2-year long course in India. An advanced degree would help you to get more profound knowledge in the area of interest.
- The loan amount can go up to Rs.40 lakh for both international students and domestic students.
- 100% financing available.
- The financing covers other expenses, like student exchange travel expenses
- The loan repayment period can go up to 7-8 years after six months from completing the course.
List of expenses covered under educational loan:-
- Fees are payable to the institution.
- Travel expenses.
- Health insurance.
- Purchase of books.
- Accommodation under the college premises.
Eligibility criteria and documents required:-
- Education must have completed 10+2 for an undergraduate course and a degree for a postgraduate course.
- KYC documents.
- Admission letter.
- Fee Structure.
- Mark sheets of 10th and 12th.
Parameters | Collateral Loan | Non-Collateral loan |
Loan amount | In this type of loan, amount Can expect a larger sum of up to 1.5 crores | In this type of loan, At max, you can get up to 60-75 lakhs |
Interest rat | Comparatively 2-3% lower interest rates because of collateral | This type of loans are slightly expensive, starts at 10% |
Documentation | It Require a lot of documents (applicant’s, co-applicants, collateral) | It has Comparatively less documentation and paperwork needed |
Processing time | It Takes longer to get sanctioned, minimum 15 days | It Can be done as quick as 3-4 days |
Processing time:-
The processing time for a non-collateral education loan is only about 7-10 working days at max once all the documents are correctly submitted. Since the evaluation of a student is done based on his profile and there isn’t much involvement of documents, the loan processing time is very low.
Unlike non-collateral education loans, collateral education loans take more time for the entire loan process. Because of the involvement of collateral, you first need all the collateral-related papers. The bank appoints a lawyer and an engineer who then submit the legal and valuation report to the bank after assessing your pledged property deeply. And all these processes can take more time.
It is always suggested that our students prefer collateral education loans from government banks since there you can get a larger sum of loan amount with fewer interest rates, a payment-free moratorium period, and many more benefits.
However, students should also apply for a non-collateral education loan as an alternative plan in case their collateral education loan gets rejected at the last moment.
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