What Is Copium? A Twitch Glossary for Newbies
Twitch is a live streaming video platform that hosts millions of people every day. If you’re new to Twitch, it can be hard to understand the jargon used by its users and contributors, as well as Twitch’s own brand of language. Here, we break down the most commonly used terms on Twitch so you can engage in conversation with confidence! Continue reading What Is Copium? A copium twitch Glossary for Newbies →
What is copium?
According to Urban Dictionary, copium is a noun that is used in place of copulation. This is usually done when playing a streamer game such as PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds or Fortnite Battle Royale and trying to talk about what you are currently doing or planning on doing next. As an example, if you were participating in a battle royale with 100 players and lost 20 health from someone else shooting at you from across the map with a scoped AR-15, then might scream something like: What is copium meaning. IM GOING TO MURDER THIS PERSON IN RETURN AND WE ARE DOING THIS FOR HOURS during your Twitch livestream video.
Why it’s important for streamers
The internet is filled with new words and phrases, so many that no one has time to learn them all. If you’re a streamer, you need to stay on top of these terms to know what is happening in your industry and with your audience. Check out our Twitch glossary list here. It will help you understand everything from copium to copium twitch emote. Do not become a meme victim! Use copium when appropriate; it shows that you’re keeping up with your industry trends!
Examples of streamers using it
FrankerZ is one of T1 Doubles’ top emotes, with more than 21,000 copium views in under three weeks. FrankerZ has a reputation as a popular meme and phrase — you might see someone FrankerZ if they did something impressive or just to say I’m here. But how did it get that way? What does twitch copium mean? Can I use it outside of Twitch chat? Let’s find out.
Rules about it (applies in particular to Fortnite Twitch streams)
Like regular emotes, copium are purchased from Twitch or directly from another user. These can be used with almost any game, not just Fortnite. You can use a copium as an emoji (by typing it directly into chat) or by selecting it on your channel’s Emote Manager. Your chat will then be able to click it to use it in their own messages. As with other emotes, viewers who subscribe to your channel get a special edition of your chosen copium as part of their subscription benefits. Only subscribers can use these subscriber-only copiums and they’re shown in different colors than regular ones… Most of these emotes are made by streamers themselves, while others are commissioned by fans and artists on websites like Fiverr.
How it relates to other gaming lingo
No matter what your background is in gaming, it’s probably a good idea to understand as much of Twitch’s special language as possible. Terms like cop, smurf, and swatting are likely being thrown around by broadcasters and viewers alike. These phrases can be a little confusing if you aren’t familiar with them—especially if you’re just hearing them for the first time. Understanding these commonly used terms can help you figure out why a streamer is yelling at someone on their channel or make it easier to converse with other viewers in chat!
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